TPE Startup Guide for Business, Products & Ideas

If you’re ready to take your life to the next level but don’t know where to start, I’ve put together a startup guide just for you.

This guide includes my Business Plan Outline and From Concept to Reality, my 12-step program designed to develop and launch a business or idea.


Writing a business plan is where most people get stuck. They tend to think a business plan has to be a complicated, drawn-out process only an expert can complete; but that isn’t reality. A business plan simply states what your business is, how you will run it, how you’ll make money and what your goals are. It’s as simple as that.


FROM CONCEPT TO REALITY – 12 Steps to Develop and Launch a Business or Idea (+ Infographic)

Whether you want to start a business, build a product, or launch a ministry, the following 12 steps will be vital to your development, success, and longevity. Follow these steps and your dream will go from concept to reality.

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